Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Beggining of my Cinderella story

So where does it begin? I could start from when i was born but it might not be for the faint hearted, so ill start from last September when i decided to sell all my belongings and make a new start to a promising future. To be honest i didn't have poker as my initial drive but only as a money maker on the side. I first dropped everything to come to Macao to push my music in Asia alongside ayi jihu a Chinese r n b singer trying to make it. But come December money i made in poker was borrowed by my boss then claimed to be his, so lost. On top of that i gave all the rest of my money to my boss at the start for rent and living which he kept. Then he didn't pay 2 months rent which led to us getting in a lot of trouble and forced to move out of the apartment. Also even though i wasn't staying with him anymore he decided not to return the money i gave him at the beginning which was enough for me and Rachel.

I have never been a quitter and i always grow stronger and i believe the universe will sort all this stuff out in the long wrong. I may not do things how I've planned and this road isn't going to be easy due to my circumstances but I've ended up starting all over again accept this time i have no money and i have gone poker pro. So follow the journey of my very own Cinderella story Fortunately for me i have a good friend who has helped me out with my living problem and we have also formed an asian poker crew called Got Rice. This crew is made up of me (C-red) Rachel (Jade) and Jason (Mr Black). We want to be the first cool asian poker crew , hip, fresh and brand new. Also i have quit the music label I'm on and trying to do it legally but to those reading this who follow my music, don't worry it doesn't mean I've quit rapping it just means i have to take the long way round and finance myself taking this road.

So i intend to build a roll from nothing doing freerolls at pokerstars in grand waldo. I have won quite a few already which shows promise but no major pay out yet. Also i am aiming in the long run to try to win spadeclubs' spoy contest which is won by accumulating the most spoy ranking points in a space of a year for a big reward. Ill keep you all updated on results once the website is up.

Never give up hope and things always happen for a reason so don't cloud your vision with tears and stay strong and focused.

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