Thursday, March 5, 2009

What to do

Well the pokerstars lounge has been closed for almost 2 weeks now and so i haven't played any tournaments in that time either. Its been boring but i have still kept myself busy with other things.

I have been working on video intros and the Got Rice Website. I can upload one of the videos but the Website is far from complete.

Its been raining like I'm back in England these last 2 days which sucks so i haven't even been able to play some basketball either. Last weekend at fashion club i did some mc'ing which was cool. It was a nurse night and there were a lot of nurses! Ive never wanted a check up so bad in my life! lol. The people who party here are cool, they are fun and arnt stuck up and the guys don't come out just to pick a fight.

Man am i craving for some fish and chipssss.....

Everything out here is funky its great. Even the drinks and food are funky. I mean there is a place where you eat out of a toilet while sitting on one its crazzyyy. You can check that out on

Been trying to get a photoshoot sorted out for the Got Rice crew stuff this weekend in hong kong. Its so long just to do a simple task. I just wish people wouldn't say they can do things if they cant will save a lot of time.

The popcorn in hong kong cinemas are so buff. I dunno what it is but its different and i don't usually like popcorn in cinemas. I feel like watching a film so i can buy the popcorn. I used to watch films in UK so often because I'm a film fanatic. Even if a film is rubbish, like the worst film evveerrr, if i have started to watch it i always have to finish it. I NEED to know what happens. Leaving in the middle is like stopping a guy just before hes about to POP. I would rather piss my pants then go to the toilet during the film in a cinema seriously!. I think the only time I've ever missed part of a film was when i was 15 or something, i cant remember exactly and i went to the cinema to watch castaway with my friends and i fell asleep. I had just done a lan party marathon which was a week of non stop gaming in an Internet cafe NO SLEEP. But to be fair i fell asleep during the trailers so i didn't even start the film. I probably would of stayed awake if i did.

Well anyway I'm gonna be off to sleep now........Gnittteee

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